Ornamental and Turf, Pests and Diseases


Number of Hours: 1

Course Offered Until: 06/09/2025

Course #: 37761

CEU Record of Attendance Forms will be emailed the next business day upon completion of course. Forms should be printed, signed and mailed to the FDACS with the completed renewal notice and license renewal fee.

This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for License Renewal for 1 hour in the categories:

Commercial Lawn and Ornamental 

Ornamental and Turf Pest Control 

Limited Certification Structural Pest Control

Limited Certification Commercial Landscape Maint. 

Natural Areas Weed Mgmt.

Private Applicator AG Pest Control 




Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:

Depends on the license category

Next Business Day

Please enter your full name and license number that appear on your license.

Renewal Month/Day:
Renewal Type:
License Anniversary Date
Renewal Period:
Yearly for STR (482) Every 4 years for AG (487)
State Contact Info:

Website: https://www.fdacs.gov/Divisions-Offices/Agricultural-Environmental-Services

Phone: (850) 617-7900

Fax: (850) 617-1701

Email: AESCares@FDACS.gov

License Lookup: https://aessearch.fdacs.gov/PersonSearch.asp