This course has been approved for 1 credit hour for All Supervisor categories and Private Applicator

by the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.

This online course provides individuals who wish to obtain a pesticide supervisory license with information to prepare for the test, and also provide credit hours toward a supervisor’s license renewal.

Course Topics:

  • Powderpost Beetles

  • Other common wood-destroying beetles

  • Controlling wood-destroying beetles

For additional licensing requirements, please contact the state at:

All Star Training has online, continuing education courses for pest control professionals. Our online courses are cheaper than the competition, self-paced and easy to use. All our online courses are state-approved by  Connecticut and meet the requirements for license renewal or continuing education credits. So if you are working in Connecticut and need exterminator renewal courses on pest control, spray equipment, insecticides, fungicides, and classes on topics like carpenter ants, beetles, cotton pests, cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes and complying with laws of the Environmental Protection agency (EPA), and FIFRA, there is no better choice than All Star Training!

*You have up to 90 days to complete the course or until the expiration date of the course. The expiration date is listed in the course description and is set by the state licensing board.

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Common Wood-Destroying Beetles