Course Number: 101252-ALL CATEGORIES

This course has been approved by the Delaware Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Compliance. The course has been approved for 1 credit in the following category: All.

For Private Applicators in Delaware, the reexamination requirement may be satisfied without taking a test, if the applicator provides the Department with evidence that a minimum of 3 hours of approved continuing education courses have been completed.

Course topics include:
-Early History
-Biological Pest Control-Today
-Pest Control through IPM
-Principles of Biological Control
-Non-Native Insect Pests in the United States
-Natural Enemies
-Required Steps for Biological Control
-Predators of Pests
-Parasites of Pests
-Products Available
-Regulating Pesticides
-Biocontrol Resources

Check DDA for current Delaware requirements-