This course is approved for 8 hours of 2017 NEC code changes for continuing education for electricians in the state of Arkansas.  The changes from the 2014 NEC Code are highlighted in Red.

  • Article  100

  • Article  110

  • Article  210

  • Article  215

  • Article  225

  • Article  300 Sect. .1-.11

This course does not constitute the entire 2017 NEC code and is not a substitute for the NEC 2017 Code Change book.

Contact the Arkansas Department of Labor for additional Arkansas licensing and continuing education requirements.  8 hrs every two years.

All Star Training has online, continuing education and pre-license courses for Electricians. Our online courses are cheaper than the competition, self-paced and easy to use. All our online courses are state-approved by Arkansas and meet the requirements for pre-license, license renewal or continuing education credits. So if you are working in Arkansas, and need Electrician renewal courses on NEC Code Changes, Electrical Safety, Journeyman courses, and other industry topics, there is no better choice than All Star Training!

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