Well Disinfection (Video)


Number of Hours: 1

Course Offered Until: 06/30/2026

Important: Certified operators can also take our courses but will need to contact the state to have them approved for credit since they do not pre-approve courses for operator licenses.

This course has been approved by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for 1 contact hour of continuing education for Well Drillers and Pump Installers. All lessons are videos created by industry expert trainer, Tom Ballard.


Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:

Pump Installers: 10 Hours
Drillers: 16 Hours

CE must be earned during two-year periods between April 1 and March 31 of even-numbered years.

Next Business Day

Please enter your full name and license number that appear on your license.

Renewal Month/Day:
Mar 31st
Renewal Type:
Renewal Date
Renewal Period:
Every 2 years
State Contact Info:

Website: https://www.iowadnr.gov/environmental-protection/water-quality/certification/well-contractors

Phone: (515) 725-0284

Fax: (515) 725-8202

Email: Laurie.Sharp@dnr.iowa.gov

License Lookup - Well drillers: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/pwts/ViewReport?parameters=chWellDrillersSort%5ctC&reportName=WellDrillersReport

Pump Installer: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/pwts/ViewReport?parameters=chPumpInstallerSort%5ct0&reportName=PumpInstallersReport