Licensees are required to complete continuing education (CE) pursuant to the provisions of § 54.1-404.2 of the Code of Virginia for any renewal or reinstatement. This course contains 16 hours of continuing education for Virginia professional engineers and meets the requirements for license renewal.
Course Topics Include:
Ethics for Professional Engineers
Estimation of Cost for Professional Engineers
Time Management and Productivity
Workers’ Compensation
Building Techniques
Wind Mitigation
Business Management
Health and Safety Issues
Rainwater Harvesting
Wastewater Treatment Systems Design
Change Management
Project Management
Zoning Considerations
Electrical Design and Blueprint Reading
Provider Type:
CE Required:
Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects must attest to the completion of 16 hours of continuing education in order to renew or reinstate their licenses.
Certificate Provided
The board may periodically conduct a random audit of its licensees who have applied for
renewal to determine compliance. Licensees who are selected for audit shall provide all
documentation of all CE activities utilized to renew their license within 21 calendar days of
the date of the board's notification of audit.
Licensees shall maintain records of completion of CE used to renew a license for three years from the date of expiration of the license. Licensees shall provide those records to the board or its authorized agents upon request.