Tennessee Residential Contractors 8 HR RCE

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $99.99.

Number of Hours: 8

Course Offered Until: 10/16/2026

Include certificate of completion of RCE along with the rest of your other renewal documents (such as with their Financial Statement, Certificate of Insurance, etc.) and may do so on the online renewal as an “Other-Disclosures and Additional Info” file attachment. RCE should not be sent separate from the renewal, therefore, do not rely on the RCE provider to report on your behalf.This course is approved by the Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors for 8 (hours) of Residential Continuing Education (RCE) and meets the requirement for license renewal.

Course Topics:

Building Techniques for Residential Home Building Contractors
Residential Roofing Systems and Installation Part 1
Residential Roofing Systems and Installation Part 2
Contractor Health and Safety Issues
Tool Safety & Hazard Prevention f
Taxes for Contractors
Workers’ Compensation f
Business Ethics

Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:

8 hours, Residential license classification of BC-A, BC-A/r, and BC-A,b(sm), will be required to obtain eight (8) hours of Board-approved Residential Continuing Education (RCE) as a prerequisite to renew.

Certificate Provided
Renewal Month/Day:
Renewal Type:
License Anniversary Date
Renewal Period:
2 years. To ensure you renew prior to the license expiring, the law requires submitting your renewal a minimum of 30 days in advance.
State Contact Info:

Website: https://www.tn.gov/commerce/regboards/contractors.html

Email: Contractors.Home-Improvement@tn.gov

Phone: 615-741-8307