Important: For license renewals, point assignment is based on one (1) point* per hour of certification in related topics. You may not earn more than 75% of your total point requirement at any one school.
Recertification points will be allowed only for an update on approved topics in your category related to pests, pest control, pesticides, pesticide safety, environmental issues (water quality, endangered species, etc.) and pesticide law and regulations. All points cannot be accrued in one certification year.
This course has been approved by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Regulatory Services for 1 credit in categories C07, C08, C10 and C12.
Course Topics:
- Ecology and Life History, Biology and Life cycle, Egg stage, Nymph stage, Adult Stage.
- Identifying Cockroaches Species: American cockroach, Asian cockroach, Australian cockroach, Brown Cockroach, Brownbanded cockroach, Field cockroach, German cockroach, Oriental cockroach, Smokeybrown cockroach, Woods cockroach