(W) Dampwood, Drywood and Subterranean Termites


Number of Hours: 1

Course Offered Until: 06/30/2025

Course #: 0W022

Please enter your Ltype and Fnum license number upon completion. Failure to do so may result in no CE credit.

This course is for Structural applicators only, not Agriculture. Agriculture applicators must take the courses specifically marked ‘Agriculture’.

This course has been approved by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Structural Pest Control Division in category W : 1.0


Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:

It ranges from 4 to 10 hours.

Licensees may not take the same course more than once during their 5 year renewal period.

Next Business Day

Please enter your full name and license number (Ltype and Fnum) that appear on your license.

Renewal Month/Day:
Jun 30th
Renewal Type:
Renewal Date
Renewal Period:
Every 5 years from the license issue year
State Contact Info:

Website: https://www.ncagr.gov/divisions/structural-pest-control-and-pesticides/structural/licensing-and-certification

Phone: (919) 733-6100

Fax: (919) 733-0633

License Lookup: https://apps.ncagr.gov/AgRSysPortalV2/licensesearch