This course has been approved by the Vermont Agency of Food and Agriculture Markets for 1 hour of pesticide recertification training credits in the following categories:
7A – Structural and Rodent 1
10 – Demonstration, Research and Sales 1
Number of Hours: 1
Course Offered Until: 08/28/2025
Course #: 000352
This course has been approved by the Vermont Agency of Food and Agriculture Markets for 1 hour of pesticide recertification training credits in the following categories:
7A – Structural and Rodent 1
10 – Demonstration, Research and Sales 1
Commercial, non-commercial and government applicators need 16 hours in their specific categories.
Private applicators need 8 hours in their specific categories.
Please enter your full name and license number that appear on your license.
Phone: (802) 828-2430
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