(Core/All Categories) Biological Pest Control


Number of Hours: 1

Course Offered Until: 01/01/2026

Course #: MDAInt0063

Important: Maryland only allows you to use each online course for continuing education once within a 3 year time period.

Core credits can be applied toward recertification in all categories.

Upon completion of your course please enter your “applicator/certification” number, the 5 digit number after the hyphen on your license and NOT your business license number. 


This course is approved by the Maryland Department of Agriculture for 1 credit in Core/ All Categories

Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:

(1 credit is equal to ½ hour of training.)
8 credits – Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13 every year
6 credits – Category 2, 5, 6 every year
4 credits – Category 10 every year
4 credits – Private the last year of each 3-year cycle
4 credits – Category 4 & 11 every three years


Next Business Day

Please enter your full name and license number (The second part of the license, the numbers after the hyphen) that appear on your license.

Renewal Month/Day:
Renewal Type:
Multiple Dates
Renewal Period:
Yearly Commercial applicators renewal is every year by June 30th. Private applicators renewal is every 3 years by December 31st.
State Contact Info:

Website: https://mda.maryland.gov/plants-pests/Pages/default.aspx

Phone: (410) 841-5870

License Lookup: https://www.egov.maryland.gov/mda/pesticides