This course is approved by the NJ DEP-Division of Water Supply & Geoscience for 7 points/hours of Technical continuing education.
Please do not take any 1 hour course that is already included in the 7 hour course as the state will only credit you once for the same course.
Course topics include:
Common Causes of Well Failure 1 and 2
Locating Wells
Hydrogeology for Well Drillers (Video)
Corrosion for Water Supply Wells (Video)
Well Rehabilitation (Video)
Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI) (Video)
Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:
Beginning April 1, 2020, all licensees shall obtain CEPs in order to be eligible for license renewal as follows:
1. On or after April 1, 2023, and every three years thereafter, all applicants for renewal licenses shall demonstrate that they have completed at least 21 CEPs, within the prior three-year period;
2. CEPs shall be obtained a minimum of 90 days prior to license term expiration;
3. Licensees who have been licensed for less than three years shall not be required to demonstrate that they have completed the required number of CEPs prior to their first license renewal; and
4. A licensee in good standing may submit in writing to the Department, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:9D-1.17, a request, including supporting documentation, for a waiver from continuing education requirements pursuant to this subsection on the basis of active duty in the military or reserves, illness, disability, or other good cause.
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Please enter your full name and license number that appear on your license.