2024-25 TX Property Tax Bundle


Number of Hours: 24 of 24 Required

Course Offered Until: 04/20/2025

Course #: 28857 & 28858

Important: This course is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for Continuing Education for Property Tax Consultants.

This course is approved for 24 hours of continuing education, and is designed to meet the requirement for the continuing education required as of May 2021

Course Topics:

Texas Laws & Rules:  8 Hrs

Ethics:                         4 Hr

Appraisal:                    6 Hrs

PTC Related:              6 Hrs 

Provider Type:
Approved Provider
CE Required:

24 hours including:

8 hours of Texas state laws & rules

4 hours in ethics;

6 hours in appraisal

6 hours in property tax consulting

Cannot take the same course number twice.

Next Business Day

Please enter your full name and license number that appear on your license.

Renewal Month/Day:
Renewal Type:
License Anniversary Date
Renewal Period:
State Contact Info:

Website: https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/ce/ceptc.htm

Phone: (800) 803-9202

Fax: (512) 463-1512

License Lookup: https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/LicenseSearch/