This Alaska Core Pesticide Bundle course has been approved for 12 credits.
Course content:
- Biological Pest Control
- Calibrating Spray Equipment
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Herbicide Resistant Weeds
- Integrated Pest Management
- Classification of Pesticides
- Pesticide Spray Drift
- Proper Use of Pesticides
- Regulating Pesticides
- Understanding Pesticide Labels
- Wood-Destroying Beetles
All Star Training offers user-friendly, on-demand, online courses that you can conveniently take at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. Excellent customer support via chat, phone and email. Next business day reporting to the Alaska Division of Environmental Health Pesticide Control, and price match guarantee are some additional features that help provide a smooth license renewal experience!
Our Pest Control Online Courses and recertification courses are perfect for a Pesticide Applicator License Renewal or licensee in Alaska seeking pest control online training and Pest Control License Renewal. If you are a commercial applicator or private applicator, Stay on top of your Pest Control continuing education and recertification, and effectively boost your skills in your industry with our Alaska Core Pesticide Bundle!