Course Number: 101266-7D
This course has been approved by the Delaware Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Compliance. The course has been approved for 1 credit in the following category: 7D.
For Private Applicators in Delaware, the reexamination requirement may be satisfied without taking a test, if the applicator provides the Department with evidence that a minimum of 3 hours of approved continuing education courses have been completed.
Major Topics:
Introduction to Wood and Methods of Applying Preservatives
Advantages of Wood
Disadvantages of Wood
Different Uses for Treated Wood
Do It Yourself (DIY) Projects
Treated Wood Provides Protection from: Biological deterioration, Fungi, Insects & Marine borers
Preservative Treating Processes
Classification of American Woods with Respect to Heartwood Penetrability
Effect of Treatment on Penetration: Treating Schedule for the Full Cell (Bethell) Process, Treating Schedule of the Lowry (empty cell) Process, Treating Schedule of the Rueping (empty cell) Process, Conceptual Diagram of CCA Pressure-Treating Facility
Safer Alternatives
Safety precautions
Check DDA for current Delaware requirements-